Here Are Seven (7) Reasons to Retain Us:


1. Immediate Service

Our hotline is attorney answered. Our civil litigation lawyers answer your questions and make you feel comfortable as we explain your rights. This allows us to "hit the ground running" with solid representation.


2. Partner Level Experience 

Our 7 lawyers are experienced counselors who have worked extensively in various specialties. Our lawyers are not a "jack of all trades." We know civil litigation. Click here to read our independent reviews.  Each has significant experience in any given area, such as injury law, limited tort cases, exceptions to limited tort, such as biking accidents, and pedestrian injuries.
We also handle breach of contract matters of all kinds:  commercial litigation, non-competes, contract law, mechanic's lien issues, construction law, and even small claims court consultations.   


3. Honesty  

We give an honest appraisal of the evidence in your case to evaluate how a judge or jury will view the same, which does two things:  it will save your time and help us guide our investigation to gather additional evidence, when possible.  Then, we tell you from experience exactly how much time and effort your case will require, which will give you peace of mind.  We also get your ready for your deposition or trial with candid and clear advice, to help you both feel comfortable and have the best chance to win.


4. Aggressive Representation

We are tough, smart Pittsburgh lawyers, who look for creative solutions to problems.  We have had success in cases declined by other lawyers because we are relentless, determined, and insightful, to find overcome obstacles to protect your rights.   Click here to read what our clients had to say.


5. Reasonable Fees

Certain injury cases and claims for damage to property are handled on a contingency fee, withe a free consultation.  Most other cases are handled for a reasonable hourly fee or a flat fee.  We only charge for the services you need.  We customize our legal plan to fit your budget.  Litigation can be a "war of attrition," such that, you often win the "war" (or leverage a favorable settlement early on) by simply having representation that is extremely efficient and able to keep you in in cost-effectively. Click here to learn more about our fees.


6. Thoughtful Guidance and Counsel  

We are thoughtful counselors, who bring to law diverse background experience.  Some of us are educators, artists, entrepreneurs, and former construction contractors.  We advise clients on a range of technical legal issues to practical guidance. Many clients think of us as their attorney and friend.


7. Results

Our Pittsburgh lawyers focus is on results.  We pride ourselves on making every client come out ahead, and not just break even.  In fact, we do not consider taking your case unless we believe we can significantly improve your position. Click here to read about our successes and accomplishments.



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