PA: What Scar is Needed?

An Often Overlooked Limited Tort Exceptions:  Disfigurement.  A motorist or passenger in Pennsylvania bound by the “limited tort” election can only sue for economic loss, not pain and suffering, unless certain exceptions (such as drunk driving) apply.  The most common exception is when the injury causes a serious impairment of…

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Advantages of Filing in Lowest Court in PA

Advantages of Suing For Money in Small Claims Court Small claims court is the fastest and most cost-effective way to resolve many civil claims for money. That said, we have written about the pitfalls of filing your lawsuit for money in small claims court.  The big disadvantage is, either side…

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Filing on the Lowest Level Court – Common Mistakes

Common Strategic Mistakes When Filing in Small Claims Court  Filing your lawsuit in small claims court  is often the fastest, most efficient, and cost-effective way to resolve a dispute. However, strategically, you may want to re-think the decision to file in small claims court, especially if you expect the Defendant…

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“Serious Impairment of Bodily Function” Defined in PA

Serious Impairment of an Important Bodily Function  This Pittsburgh lawyer has written previously about the perils of electing the “Limited Tort Option” under the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law (“MVFRL”). This election precludes you from recovering non-economic damages for a crash, unless an exception applies, such injuries outside of…

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Lowest Court “Judgment” to Execute on Real Property?

Our Pittsburgh attorneys often get asked:  I won in small claims court (before a magisterial district judge), so now how do I enforce it against the defendant’s real property?  First of all, before you can do anything, the opposing party has thirty days to appeal.  Then, the local magistrate’s decision…

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PA Litigation: Co-Sign or Co-Buying Cases

Defending Collection Lawsuits for Non-Payment of Debt as Co-Signor or Co-Buyer  Our Pittsburgh lawyers defend those sued in Court for a co-sign (of a loan or credit card) or co-buying situation (car, truck, or other vehicle).  In truth, the person who decides to co-sign for a debt — or the…

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PA law: Confusing Filings Against You?!

Confusing Lawsuit Against a Defendant  Confused about a civil lawsuit against you, for allegedly unpaid financial obligation, some other old or puzzling claim of non-payment (such as junk debt)?   Many defendants sued for money  — often for credit card debt or other stale debt from years ago —  are confused…

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Door-to-Door Construction Sales to Bid For Work on One’s Home

Door-to-door Promotion  Door-to-door contractor sales is starting. Spring — the peak time for home repairs — is nearly here!  Contractors beware!  There are two Pennsylvania statutes — the Home Improvement and Construction Law (HICPA) and Unfair Trade Practices and PA’s Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law (discussed below) that…

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Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law (PA)- UPDATE

Unfair Trade Practice and Consumer Protection Law in PA Our Pittsburgh lawyers handle Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer protection claims in Western PA.  These are claims on behalf of Consumers, beyond mere contract law, which provide additional statutory rights.   The statute is called Pennsylvania’s Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection…

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Landslide Damage | Money Recovery in PA

Damages From a Landslide & Other Danger From Property  Liability can exist for the failure to safely maintain property, which causes others to suffer damages.  That said, landslide cases can be difficult.  For example, the defendant usually blames “Mother Nature,” saying the rain was an “act of God” that made…

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