“Tortious Interference” in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, a party who encourages another to violate a contractual duty or who disrupts another’s business relationships with someone else, can possibly face liability for tortious interference with contractual relations. Glazer v. Chandler, 414 Pa. 304, 200 A.2d 416 (Pa. 1964).  For example, let’s say you own a business…

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The Need For Expert Evidence. Case Destroyer?

The Challenge of Expert Evidence  The need for expert evidence can present an insurmountable obstacle to recovering money for a civil claim for damages in Pennsylvania. In every such claim, you need to show that the defendant’s conduct caused the harm you suffered. In most cases, courts require proof of…

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Franchisor Responsibility For Franchisee’s Driver’s Negligence

Domino’s Liable for Franchisee Driver’s Crash Let’s say you’re involved in a car accident, and you expect the other driver at fault to pay. But the driver lacks adequate insurance. What additional parties can be responsible to pay for negligence? Worse, you only have two years to file suit for…

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Getting (or Opposing) a Preliminary or Special Injunction

What is a Preliminary or Special Injunction? A preliminary injunction is defined as temporary relief granted by the courts to maintain the current situation prior to a full trial. Typically, this involves requesting a court to prohibit an opposing party from taking specific actions or continuing with their current course…

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Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) For Litigation. Smart?!

The Use of AI for Legal Work Product Artificial intelligence (AI) helps us gather, simplify, and understand information about complex subjects, such as the laws and legal system. For example, some rely on Google AI search results to provide excellent summaries of the law, mainly for educational purposes. Others rely…

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Surprise! A “Board” Will Decide Your Court Case

Understanding the Board of Claims  If you think you can sue the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania — or one of its agencies or universities — in court, for breach of contract, think again. It doesn’t matter if you’re a building contractor, constructing a new building for a state university. Or you’re…

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Pittsburgh Lawyer for Local Counsel in Western PA

Finding a Pittsburgh Lawyer as Local Counsel  If you need local counsel in Pittsburgh to help you Pennsylvania, you’ve come to the right place.  We have over 27 years of experience helping both Plaintiffs and Defendants in civil cases in state and federal courts, as well as in mediation. Our…

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Give a “Statement” in PA? | How to Respond (Or Say Nothing)

An insurance company, lawyer, or other party investigating a civil case may ask for your statement as to something you’ve seen or hear.  So then you wonder:  How do I respond?  What are the consequences of giving a statement?  You may have heard the expression “anything you say can be…

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Contemplating a Change?

Think you might fire your current legal representative and retain a new one? You, the client, have the right to the representative of your choice. And sometimes, after working with a particular attorney, you may develop second thoughts. Below, we provide answers to Frequently Asked Questions:  When should I fire…

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FAQ – Exception in PA: Drunk Driver (Or Ability Impaired)

Limited Tort Exception: Driving Under the Influence (“Drunk driver”) Motorists bound by “limited tort” in PA may lose the right to sue for pain and suffering from a motor vehicle accident, unless an exception applies.  These include:   A passenger in a commercial vehicle, such as a bus or ride share,…

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