Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith

When people think of “insurance,” they often think home or auto coverage, not knowing what coverage exists for claims (for you to get money) or for your defense to a claim against you.With representation, you can often overcome an insurance carrier’s denial of coverage, and possibly even sue your insurance…

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Business Interruption Insurance

Countless businesses in the US are closed or severely disrupted from a variety of causes, such as a fire, flood, earthquake, landslide, or most recently, due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  You might already have a contract (policy) for business interruption insurance.     What Can Your Business Do?  The…

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Landslide Damage | Money Recovery in PA

Damages From a Landslide & Other Danger From Property  Liability can exist for the failure to safely maintain property, which causes others to suffer damages.  That said, landslide cases can be difficult.  For example, the defendant usually blames “Mother Nature,” saying the rain was an “act of God” that made…

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Grounds For a New Trial: A Minefield for Lawyers

Experience Counts   Anyone seeking to hire a lawyer for contentious litigation needs to be aware of his lawyer’s actual experience in court, specifically in civil litigation cases.  Why is this true?  For one thing, few cases are going to trial these days; 95% settle; so there are “trial lawyers” who…

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The Long Walk to Recover Money

New Number: 412.342.0992 The “Long Walk” It is often said: “There can be a long walk from the courthouse to the bank.”  This applies for those who have a great case in court against a person or company that is “judgment proof.”  Or, you may be on the defense side…

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