Been distracted? The pandemic side-tracked the entire world, including the legal community, but some notable changes in the law have happened in Pennsylvania. This blog will track many of those changes and also provide ongoing updates in the law that the public — including lawyers — may have missed. Enjoy!…
Is a Penalty Clause Enforceable in PA?
Penalty Clauses in Pennsylvania Are Not Enforceable Our Pittsburgh attorneys regularly see contract disputes go into litigation. We represent clients who face claims for non-payment of “penalty” clauses. Clauses that are obvious attempts to punish, will not be enforced. Some creativity in contract drafting is needed to effectuate punishment that…
Testifying at a Deposition: What to Expect
As a party or witness in a civil case, you may have received a “notice of deposition” and you want to start your preparation. Or, you’re turning to Google rather than asking your lawyer to explain (again) the full meaning of a “deposition.” Either ways is fine! Let’s get right…
Personal Injury Recoveries: Medical Liens Explained
Serious Injuries Mean (Seriously High) Medical Bills Maybe your have a personal injury case and heard the phrase “medical lien.” You’re wondering whether it gobble up my settlement. In claims for physical injury, a health insurance company — or the government — may have paid for some or all of…
Understanding Law and “Non-Precedential” Opinions
Legal research can be done for free and easily through Google Scholar, but what does it mean when a PA superior court opinion is marked “non-precedential”? Your spell checker — if it’s like mine — won’t recognize the word “precedential” and will suggest “presidential,” which is totally different. A non-precedential…
Lawyers Working Remotely
Following the COVID 19 pandemic, you may notice some significant changes to how lawyers practice law. 1. Greater Efficiency For one thing, we have seen that motions court can be handled remotely over the phone in state court, with no issues, saving your attorney travel time to the courthouse…
Incorporate Your Business
Do you own a business, or, are you thinking of starting one? If so, great! We can help with business incorporation to avoid pitfalls. You probably know that doing business comes with risk and tax consequences. The good news is, our lawyers get you incorporated and guide…
Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith
When people think of “insurance,” they often think home or auto coverage, not knowing what coverage exists for claims (for you to get money) or for your defense to a claim against you.With representation, you can often overcome an insurance carrier’s denial of coverage, and possibly even sue your insurance…
Landslide Damage | Money Recovery in PA
Damages From a Landslide & Other Danger From Property Liability can exist for the failure to safely maintain property, which causes others to suffer damages. That said, landslide cases can be difficult. For example, the defendant usually blames “Mother Nature,” saying the rain was an “act of God” that made…
Key Decisions in 2017
Every year the appellate court (click here) address new cases that “fill in” missing “pieces” of the law. Let’s have a look at some 2017 developments. Elements of Claim For “Bad Faith” Against an Insurance Company “Bad faith” is when an insurance company denies a claim for a…