While jurors often “get it right” when deciding whether to award money to a Plaintiff, and determining the amount, the process is time-consuming, risky and jurors are free to say and do just about anything during deliberations. In fact, in Tanner v. United States, 483 U.S. 107 (1987), our United States…
NONCOMPETE – PITTSBURGH LAWYER | Post-Separation Attorneys
Noncompete Agreement Solutions Our Pittsburgh Litigation Lawyers can review a noncompete clause to determine if it can be enforced in Pennsylvania. Like any contract in Pennsylvania, a noncompete requires consideration, meaning the employer must provide something new in exchange for the employee’s promise not to compete in the future. A…
SMALL CLAIMS COURT | Pittsburgh Lawyer
Understanding Small Claims Court in Western PA Small claims Court is designed to be handled without a lawyer in PA. You can seek a money judgement of up to $12,000 for any civil case. However, you should at least consult with an attorney prior to filing suit. How is evidence…
Pittsburgh Lawyer | Trade Secret Claims and Defenses
A Trade Secret in Pennsylvania If you are facing a “trade secret” claim or threat that may require a legal defense, please contact a Pittsburgh lawyer at our firm. Losing a trade secret case can result in you paying compensatory and punitive damages, plus paying the plaintiff’s attorney fees. What…
Injured Plaintiff in PA: Get Prompt Treatment or Lose in Court
Actions Speak Louder Than Words A party injured in an accident may have reasons for hesitating to get medical treatment. Maybe the injuries “didn’t seem so bad” at first. Or, as in one of our cases, an injured grandmother was primarily focused on getting treatment for her two grandchildren, after…
PA Civil Cases: Filing in Person or Online?
Filings in Civil (Non-Criminal) Cases in Pennsylvania Federal courts in Pennsylvania have required electronic filing for decades, going so far as to fine litigants $150 for trying to file a civil claim — or written defense — in person. This applies to all civil claims for negligence — car accident,…
Windfall Recovery in PA? The Collateral Source Rule
When you make a claim for negligence — whether it be from a fall on slippery property or your painting contractor tipping over a paint can in your living room (destroying your hardwood floors) — you can sue for compensation. That much is clear. But what happens your own insurance…
Defend a Case to Verdict in PA?
Each Pittsburgh lawyer in our litigation section handles cases on both the plaintiff and defense side. To date, we’ve written at length about bringing claims on the plaintiff side of litigation: overcoming the limited tort defense, bringing a claim as an injured pedestrian, or filing suit for a bike injury. …
Time Period to Bring Suit Governed by Insurance Restriction
The Statute of Limitations and Limited Tort As any Pittsburgh lawyer will tell you, the statute of limitations in Pennsylvania to sue for injuries in a motor vehicle accident is two years from the accident, but it’s different in a limited tort case. Pennsylvania has something called the…
Compromise Verdicts in PA
Compromise Verdict in PA Jurors in Pennsylvania are allowed to compromise, even on matters that seem to make no sense – like awarding significant money to a “limited tort” Plaintiff, whose injury was not “serious” and who failed to qualify to any exception to limited tort. This is because trials…