We Have You Covered: Western PA Attorneys

FAQ – Exception in PA: Drunk Driver (Or Ability Impaired)

Limited Tort Exception: Driving Under the Influence (“Drunk driver”) Motorists bound by “limited tort” in PA may lose the right to sue for pain and suffering from a motor vehicle accident, unless an exception applies.  These include:   A passenger in a commercial vehicle, such as a bus or ride share,…

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Homeowners Get $3.2 Million Verdict | Developer’s Defects

What happens when you buy a new home — expecting it to be, well, new, and therefore problem-free — but you experience nothing but problems after moving in?  This is exactly what happened when four families in Philadelphia purchased their residential homes in 2015. Noticing water infiltration problems upon moving…

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Uber/Lyft Passenger Injury | Arbitration Clause in PA Update

Injured in a Rideshare | Arbitration Clause Pennsylvania Superior Court Ruling:  Uber’s arbitration clause — buried in the fine print of its popular app — is unenforceable; thus, the injured Uber passenger never waived her right to a jury trial. See CHILUTTI v. UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC., 2023 P.A. Super 126…

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Lowest Level Civil Court Hearing | What to Expect

What to Expect At the MDJ Hearing  If you’re reading this article, you’re probably wondering what to expect at your hearing before a Magisterial District Judge (“MDJ”) a/k/a small claims court.  The common questions of this Pittsburgh lawyer are: Do I need to attend the hearing in person? Do I…

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Promissory Estoppel in PA | Pittsburgh Lawyer

A Claim for Promissory Estoppel in Pennsylvania If you found this article online, you’re likely wondering whether a particular promise is enforceable, in the absence of a clear “contract.”  A claim for promissory estoppel (or quasi-contract) exists in Pennsylvania where (1) one party makes a reasonably specific promise to another, who (2)…

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PA: What Scar is Needed?

An Often Overlooked Limited Tort Exceptions:  Disfigurement.  A motorist or passenger in Pennsylvania bound by the “limited tort” election can only sue for economic loss, not pain and suffering, unless certain exceptions (such as drunk driving) apply.  The most common exception is when the injury causes a serious impairment of…

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Pittsburgh Lawyer | Pro Hac Vice

Limited Admission to Handle One Case in Western PA  Lawyers admitted in jurisdictions outside of Western Pennsylvania can gain admission to practice law in Western PA “pro hac vice.” The latin meaning is, “for this occasion” or “for this event” (literally, “for this turn”). This makes sense. The type of…

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Court: No Protection For Spreadsheet

Investment Analyst Sues BNY Mellon and Deloitte for Using His “Trade Secret”  On October 6, 2023, an Investment analyst learned a hard lesson about trade secret law.  Anyone who creates technology for another — such a spreadsheet system for picking stocks —  can lose the rights to such information. No…

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Subcontractors’ 3.2M Judgment is Gone, Must Pay Attorney Fees

The Superior Court of Pennsylvania recently provided an expensive lesson to contractors about contract law, unjust enrichment, and when attorney fees will be awarded.  In SDSP, LLC v. ATTIAS, No. 1029 EDA 2022 (Pa. Super. Ct. June 20, 2023), a group of subcontractors won a judgment for 3.2M against a…

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Advantages of Filing in Lowest Court in PA

Advantages of Suing For Money in Small Claims Court Small claims court is the fastest and most cost-effective way to resolve many civil claims for money. That said, we have written about the pitfalls of filing your lawsuit for money in small claims court.  The big disadvantage is, either side…

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