Commercial Litigation Disputes  

Our business law attorneys are skilled at either negotiating a favorable (and sometimes creative) settlement that addresses many “moving parties.” Likewise, failing an amicable resolution, we seek the best possible resolution in court.  

Allegheny County Courthouse for unpaid debt litigation

Areas of Law We Handle

Our civil litigation lawyers handle nearly every type of business disagreement:  breach of  agreement disputes (plaintiff and defense), leasing issues, credit card debt disputes related to business debt, financing issues, non-payment, insurance coverage disputes, collection, non-compete agreements, covenants not to compete, loan agreements, sale of businesses, trade secret disputes, appointment of receivers to manage a business, commercial leases, equity ownership disputes, shareholder issues, suits for dissolution of a company and more.
Our experts also look for ways to uphold the corporate veil if you are being sued personally for corporate debt.  Likewise, if your claim is against a company, we look for ways to make the owners of that corporation personally responsible, based on a participation, alter ego, or undercapitalization theory.

New Number: 412.342.0992

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