Handling Many Practice Areas of Civil Litigation

Our law firm offers a sincere thank you to all the clients who have turned to us over the years to handle many practice areas of law.  These Pittsburgh civil litigation lawyers handle matters in all venues: AAA arbitration, federal court, state court bench and jury trials, compulsory arbitration, and even small claims court.

Pittsburgh lawyer

Areas of practice include:  

Breach of Contracts Disputes
Breach of Loan Agreements
Trade Secrets
Commercial Construction law
Home Improvement and Contractor Disputes
Mechanic’s Liens 
Injury Law (including full and limited tort, including exceptions to limited tort, such as pedestrian claims, people injured in bicycles, or accidents caused by out of state driver or drunk drivers)
Roadway incidents as a driver or riding with someone
Bicycle (Pedalcycle) Injuries
Pennsylvania’s Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law
E-Bike and E-Scooter Injuries
Injury to a Pedestrian in the Street or Roadway
Local Counsel in Pittsburgh For Those Outside of  PA 
Credit Card Debt Issues
Commercial Litigation
AAA Arbitration
Mediation matters
Contractor and Subcontractor Payment Act
Bad Faith Insurance Practices / Insurance Coverage Dispute
Incorporating Your Business
Defamation, Trade Disparagement, Invasion of Privacy
Unjust Enrichment – Claims and Defenses 
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) or Confidentiality Clauses
Voidable Transfer Act, Formerly PA’s Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (UFTA) 
Small Claims Court 
Respond to Subpoena

Evaluating The Best Strategy 

We bring — and defend — claims for money or other relief through the courts, and evaluate the best strategy for highest recovery.  For example, a claim for breach of contract cannot include a claim for “pain and suffering” unless the lawyer can show the gist of the action is really for negligence.  Our Pittsburgh litigation lawyers focus on current update in the law to get the best possible recovery.
Also check out our Frequently Asked Questions Page for more information!



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