Pittsburgh Lawyer | Pro Hac Vice

Limited Admission to Handle One Case in Western PA 

Our Pittsburgh Lawyers sponsor others for admission pro hac viceLawyers admitted in jurisdictions outside of Western Pennsylvania can gain admission to practice law in Western PA “pro hac vice.” The latin meaning is, “for this occasion” or “for this event” (literally, “for this turn”). This makes sense. The type of admission is to handle just one (1) case.  Our Pittsburgh firm regularly serves as local counsel to move to admit out-of-PA attorneys to gain admission. 



How Does an Attorney Get Admitted To Handle One Case in PA? 

While some states impose significant barriers for such admission, Pennsylvania does not. Admission is easy in both state and federal court. In PA state court, you simply (1) pay a $375 fee to the Pennsylvania IOLTA Board and (2) have a Western PA lawyer — such as a Pittsburgh attorney at our firm — sponsor your admission. The sponsoring lawyer (also called “local counsel”)  then files a Motion For Admission Pro Hac Vice. It’s simple, but for more, click here

In federal court, the process is even easier.  (Another reason, our lawyers love practicing in federal court!).  Federal Court in the Western District of PA provides a sample motion online for you or your sponsor to fill out. You simply fill in the blanks. Federal court also requires an Affidavit in Support of Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice. Here, once again, the court provides the form.  

Yes, it’s that easy.  


The Right Movant For Admission in PA

Pittsburgh law firm shown from outsideOur Pittsburgh lawyers regularly sponsor the admission of attorneys outside of PA. We’re familiar with the federal ECF filing system in federal court, as required.  We also file electronically in state court, though it’s not required. 

Some retain us to simply navigate the local rules and “push paper” through the system, opting to do the rest themselves: drafting briefs, attending court appearances, etc.  Others, however, expect our lawyers to be more “hands on,” since we’re the local experts, familiar with judges and substantive law.

We’re happy to accommodate either approach! 


Contact Us Today! 

Contact a Pittsburgh attorney at our firm to learn how we can serve as local counsel to help any lawyer gain admission for one case in Pennsylvania! 


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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Hallway of Pittsburgh law firm in Pennsylvania

    What Type of Cases Does Your Firm Handle? 

    Our attorneys provide plaintiff and defense-side representation for nearly every kind of litigation matter.  For example, we handle:

    • breach of contract disputes of all kinds: debt collection, construction law, non-compete agreements and more. We also handle torts claims, including defamation, tortious interference with contractual relation, and 
    • Personal injury matters involving wrongful death and serious injuries, from falls, vehicle accidents, bike accidents and more.  

    Our lawyers also advise as to the rules you must follow, as an attorney admitted pro hac vice in Pennsylvania.  And when can a court revoke such admission? 


    What Do You Charge?

    We charge a reasonable $200 flat fee to review any litigation matter for up to one hour.  Beyond that, our attorneys charge hourly fees from $200 per hour up to $275 per hour for representation. We provide a free consultation for matters we handle on a contingency basis.  


    Let’s Get Started! 


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